Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning

Security Consultant

Nym Technologies

Chelsea E. Manning is a technologist, network security expert, analyst and consultant whose actions showed the world that the conscience of individuals can make urgent change through bravery and determination. Manning works as a security consultant specializing in questions of privacy, security, and hardware optimization at Nym Technologies, the leader in network layer privacy. She is also a transparency activist, author, DJ, and public speaker. Manning worked as an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Department of Defense where she publicly disclosed classified documents that revealed human rights abuses and corruption connected to the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. She was sentenced to 35 years for unauthorized disclosure of government documents. After serving 7 years in military prison, President Barack Obama commuted her sentence to time served. Following her release in 2017, she ran in the 2018 Maryland state senatorial primary, receiving the second-highest number of Democratic votes.